Ebola fears infecting us with… mass hypochondria

Posted on October 10, 2014


Not surprisingly in America the Paranoid, the fear of contracting Ebola is already triggering mass hypochondria with thousands of false-alarm visits at hospital emergency rooms across the country, health officials report.
Chicken Little-types and political nut-jobs are screaming to others, “Contagion terrorism!” and “Obama’s African connection!” and the “Rampant vector of infection is God’s will!” Oh, Jesus.
Keep in mind that you need to actually come into contact with the tainted bodily fluids of Ebola patients, not come in contact with a story or website about them.
Meanwhile, thousands of Americans will undoubtedly die over the next few months from an all-too-familiar foe that is far more likely to bring illness or death to your door.
We casually call it the flu. Bless you.

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